Hello 2021
05 January 2021

Hello 2021
We're truly thankful to our wonderful customers, as we had a busy run up to Christmas, with carpets, vinyls, LVT and carpet tiles being fitted to a variety of homes and businesses in preparation for Christmas and the New Year. For many of our fellow local businesses, who contracted us to carry out work, this was carried out in hopeful preparation for the re-opening of their doors to customers in the New Year, something which sadly has to be put on hold, our thoughts are with them.
For many of our domestic customers, work was carried out ready to welcome family members into their homes, to spend long awaited family time together, again our hearts go out to those whose plans had to be changed and who didnt manage to spend time with loved ones.
During this time of lockdown, all new and existing orders will be risk assessed in line with the new tighter restrictions. For example, location, vulnerability of customers and staff are just some the factors we have to address. Thankfully, as a family business, we are able to limit staff and customer vulnerability by working as a family unit.
As always, we can continue to drop of samples, help with product choices and match the best products to your needs, albeit in a different socially distanced way. Roy is always at the end of the phone to help.
Sending wishes of love health and happiness to you all
Roy, Julia & Tom